Doors of Passau

Our cruise included a walking tour of the part of Passau that lies between the Danube River and the Inn River. I love old European doors, so here is another post of doors, this time from Passau, Germany.

Nurnberg 002

Nurnberg 003

Nurnberg 010

One of my favorite doors, and who doesn’t like a pink building. This door faces the river, with a lovely plaza in between.

Nurnberg 025

Nurnberg 028

Nurnberg 034

Nurnberg 013

Not about the door….we saw these all over Germany…walls that marked flood levels over the years. I suppose because we traveled via the river which is subject to flooding and droughts. Fall 2015 saw drought levels, and in fact we had to leave our ship in Passau because it couldn’t get up river. We were bussed to another ship that was coming from the opposite direction and couldn’t get through either.

Nurnberg 016

Again, not a door. 2 things about this picture…. it was a narrow alley that had lots of these painted umbrellas. The second is the horse sign, which sadly marks a butcher that specializes in horse meat. Yuck! I do not approve.

About jewelsworldtravels

I want to see the world! I am armed with the book "1,000 places to see before you die" and I am having a great time. I am also a dog lover and theatre snob.
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1 Response to Doors of Passau

  1. tgeriatrix says:

    Lovely set of doors!

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